CPhI / ICSE / P-MEC / BioPh / InnoPack Japan, the leading international trade shows for the pharmaceutical industry have been promoted with MEDTEC Japan and other UBM's medical device manufacturing shows under an umbrella called "Japan Life Science Week" since 2015. In addition to those trade shows for pharma and medical devices the organisers have been launching new life science related events such as Fine Chemical Japan in the last three years and creating even a bigger platform for the industry professionals.
Together with the specialized visitor promotion for each target of the 14 parallel shows which are held in the same venue, in the same date, the life science concept generates synergetic effects in creating new business opportunities beyond the industries. Don't miss it!
For the events for the pharmaceutical indutry
TEL: 03-5296-1020 / Email: info@cphijapan.com
For the events for the medical device indutry
TEL: 03-5296-1034 / Email: medtecjapan@ubm.com